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  • Writer's pictureJessica Holley

Tricks to Break the Habit of Eating Out

My husband and I used to go out to eat all the time... between fast food and restaurants, we ate about 5 times a week! We started making it a thing to eat out on all of our days off... Then, it just became a habit and at that point, it was very hard to break! Not only is this extremely expensive, but the quality of the food is just not the same as what it would be if it's made it at home.

Between the money we were spending and the calories we were consuming, we knew we had to make a major lifestyle change! It was hard at first, but now it's a habit to eat at home! We broke this habit about 4 years ago and I can safely say that we turned our habit of eating-out about 20 times a month to a once a month occurrence (and sometimes not even that!)

Something had to change and this is how we did it!


1. Decide to make Eating out something special!

We decided that we would only go out to eat on special occasions. We appreciate going out more now because we only do it when we are celebrating or on vacation!

2. Meal Plan

Gone are the days when 5 o'clock would roll around and we would sit in front of the fridge wondering what we were going to make. Now, I make a weekly plan of what we are going to make for each meal. I make sure to have leftovers for lunches so we aren't tempted to go out.

3. Re-create your favorite "meals-out" at home!

One of my favorite restaurants is Olive Garden. Fortunately, and unfortunately, the nearest one is about a half-hour away. The good news is that I make my favorite dish, Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo, at home! It tastes just about the same and for the price of one meal at the restaurant, I can make it for the whole family!

Another one of my favorites was Panda Express. It was my go-to when I ate out. I stopped going for about a year and began making my favorites at home, fried rice and beef and broccoli at home. The last time I went to Panda I was actually disappointed! I found the rice to be much blander than what I make at home. It's been about a year and I have still yet to go back. Sure makes it easier when the food is just as good at home!

4. Put the money in a Jar

When you have the urge to eat out and have successfully talked yourself out of it, put the money you would have spent into a jar. Don't forget to add the money you would have spent on a tip! At the end of the year, use the money to buy yourself something special, take a trip, or just continue saving. You could even open a bank account just for the money you save not eating out!

5. Don't leave hungry

When running errands or leaving the house, make sure to eat first. If you know that you will be out for a while, plan ahead! Pack water and snacks so if the temptation arises, you have snacks to keep you content until you arrive back home.

Remember that eating out can be an addiction! At first, it may seem like you won't ever be able to knock the habit, but you can! Keep in mind that it takes at least 21 days to break a habit! So it WILL be hard at first, but just keep it up and keep adding money to the jar! Soon, it will be soo easy to just pass up that ol' drive-through and putt on home!

6. Meal Prep

Choose a day that you don't have much going on (preferably the same day every week so it will become a habit) and make that your food prep day! Use this time to chop veggies for the upcoming week's meals, prepare salads, fruits, etc... This way when it is time for the meal to be made, all the chopping is already done!

7. Pack lunches the night before

It is sooo easy to find yourself waking up late, in a rush to run out the door, and completely forgetting to pack a lunch. If you make it into a habit to make a lunch every night before bed you will never have to worry about forgetting in the morning! Every time a lunch is packed, that is one less time resorting to eating out!

8. Pull out the crockpot

It's hard to justify eating out on impulse when dinner is already cooking! This is a tip that has saved us on many occasions! I can't tell you how many times I was heading home from work, and the last thing I wanted to do was cook. Luckily dinner was already cooking and all I had to do was serve it!

9. Invite friends to the house

If eating out is something you do to socialize with friends and family, invite them to your house for dinner! If you feel comfortable, ask that everyone bring a side, dessert, or appetizer to contribute. Encourage your circle of friends and family to switch off hosting!

10. Make it known

Let the people you are closest to know that you are challenging yourself to avoid eating out. It makes it way easier to avoid doing something when someone is making you accountable! Most likely, you will be supported and you may even inspire others to follow in your lead!



Remember, quitting any habit is not easy and will take time! If this is truly something you want to change, take time to reflect on why you are doing this and how it is helping you achieve your other goals (ie. weight loss, saving money, etc...)

Follow these tips and eventually, your habit of eating out will flake away and eating out will become a rare and appreciated event!

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