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  • Writer's pictureJessica Holley

Homemade Butter in a Jar

I was caught by surprise one Sunday morning when I opened up the fridge and discovered 1/2 tablespoon of butter left in the fridge. Even more shocking, was that the stockpile of butter (2-3 pounds) that I normally keep in the freezer, was GONE! I mean this was serious! Here I was just about to make a HUGE breakfast... eggs, toast, pancakes, hash browns, sausage... the works! ... with hardly any butter!?

Now the grocery store isn't too far away, 10 minutes max. But I just couldn't fathom venturing out for butter. I started thinking illogically... cooking eggs in vegatable oil (Blah!) then shortening (Blah again!). Then a light bulb came on... I just bought heavy whipping cream to make Alfredo sauce! Lets turn it into butter!

Being that it was my first time making butter, I had to do a quick search to get the gist of it. Turns out making butter is soooo easy


First you need your ingredient, Heavy Whipping Cream.... Yup, thats it! Then grab a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.

Now pour the cream into the glass jar and shake it for 15-20 minutes. Turn on some music and really get into it!

You will notice that as you shake, the cream will start feeling like its getting thicker... Thats the whipped cream stage! Add a little sugar and Vanilla to that and you have yourself a dessert! Unfortunately, that's not the route we are taking... so keep shaking!

This is when having a couple kids around comes in handy! Unfortunately, mine are sleeping at the moment...

15 minutes after the first shake... And we have us some butter!

Now, its time to separate the butter from the buttermilk. Grab a cheese cloth or a sieve to strain the butter.

It may not look too appetizing yet, but it will! Now, gently shake the excess milk off the butter then place in a bowl.

If salted butter is desired, add the salt. Then, with a butter knife, whip the butter until liquid is no longer seeping out.

Now your butter is ready to use! It will last about 7-10 days in the fridge. and 3-5 days on the counter.

Now, with the leftover liquid... Use this in any recipe that calls for buttermilk! Since I don't plan on making anything with buttermilk in the near future, I just added the leftover milk to my scrambled eggs and they turned out delicious!


Homemade Butter in a Jar

yield: 1/4 cup of butter

1/2 cup of Heavy Whipping Cream

Salt to taste

  1. Measure out 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream and pour into a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.

  2. Shake for 15-20 minutes

  3. Using a cheese cloth or a sieve, separate the butter from the liquid.

  4. If salted butter is desired, add the salt. Then, with a butter knife, whip the butter until liquid is no longer seeping out.

The butter will last about 3-5 days on the counter and 7-10 days in the refrigerator.

Determining how much cream to use:

Decide how much butter you want to make and double that for the cream.

Ex: If you want 1/2 cup of butter, shake 1 cup of cream


This recipe was so much fun to make! It was magical to see the liquid cream morph into its different stages to turn into butter! I can't wait to try this recipe with the kids!

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